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Haircuts to Disguise Baldness - Let's Face it Ladies, Only Bald Men Are Considered Sexy

If you look at a few haircuts to disguise baldness,  Keranique    you'll see that they don't really hide much of anything at all. A "comb-over" is still the best option and everyone knows that the style is pretty unattractive.
Men are luckier than women, in one respect. Many women consider bald men sexy. Lists of the world's sexiest men often include one or two bald guys.
It's still not really "acceptable" for a woman to shave her head. A few really beautiful women have gone bald for a while. But, women with long flowing, thick locks are still the "ideal".
If you're not ready to shave your head, you could consider buying a wig or toupee. They are a little better looking than they were at one time. Of course, they won't "feel" like someone's natural head of hair. So, what's the real solution? Why not re-grow your own hair?




Hoodia Clinical Studies - The Hoodia Hype is Surprising

Hoodia products seem to work for many overweight people.   The 2 Week Diet However, I'm often shocked by the overuse of the term "hoodia clinical trials" or "hoodia-clinically proven" in the over-the-top marketing of what could be a great product for you.

Generally, in my opinion, the so-called "clinical trials" are unnecessary and irrelevant. Pumping up the claims for hoodia products with science claimsis not even necessary.

Most people (and companies) use research just like a drunk uses a lamppost - for support and not illumination! They use whatever research is available to support their claims and normally exclude research that doesn't match the outcome they want. The research quoted in many hoodia ads may shed a little light on the efficacy of hoodia. But it's more often used to prop up outrageous claims.

Instead of illuminating the potential benefits of hoodia, advertisers obscure the real value of this product by promoting useless scientific claims.

A consumer's problem is that none of us normally have the time to go beyond the scientific "claims" to understand the raw basis of the claim.

Here are the facts about the largest privately-funded human clinical study ever conducted on humans with any kind of hoodia or hoodia extract.

Company executives promoted the fact they were starting a human clinical trial on a "miracle molecule" in the hoodia plant in a press release in mid-2001. In December of 2005, it was announced the study was completed.

The company then stated, "Preliminary data also indicate a statistically significant reduction in body fat content in the (study) group compared with the placebo group."






The Easiest Techniques to Get Rid of Belly Fat


Stress, leading on to High blood pressure, and many, many more.  Bruce Krahn’s Lean Belly Breakthrough
Your breathing will also be affected, meaning that you won't be able to join in with as many physical activities as you would like, and your health in general will suffer.

I've heard that nicotine is more addictive than Heroin so one should also consider the fact that once you are hooked, smoking will be an extremely hard habit to give up. It won't be a simple fact of "oh I'll just smoke until I've lost some weight, then I'll give it up" it will be a lot harder than that. Even if you are able to successfully stop smoking, guess what happens then....you will somehow find the weight you lost, so just don't even go there in the first place.




The Easiest Techniques to Get Rid of Belly Fat

King David of Israel - The Man Whom I Envy Most

There are a number of rich and famous people in   numerologist   this world who conquer the world's fame and wealth as if they belong among the few, exclusive "Luckiest Club" members who dominate and almost own the whole world. No wonder if there are people who envy their kingly status as others have been striving and surviving from poverty and depression.

Am I envied on their wealth? No.
Am I envied on their fame? No.

But there's only one man who stands out from the crowd whom I really envy most. He's a small but a great man in Israel, who many may have not recognized his greatness, especially in these modern times. He is David, the shepherd of Israel-- who toppled the fearsome, giant Goliath into submission and shocked his mighty army to surrender. He is the person whom I envy most.





Survival Kitchen and Cooking Equipment

When preparing for an upcoming survival training exercise people tend to pack up the first aid kit, the various bug out bags, and a host of other nice to have's and necessities however, the one thing they usually do not dwell upon too much is the cooking equipment and supplies that will be needed in the field. This usually proves to be one of the leading mistakes logged into their exercise journals.

The first Bug out I attended was an eye opener. Here I was making instant coffee and had a well equipped bug out vehicle while another family in a tent no less was drinking fresh brewed coffee. I thought immediately that something was amiss with this picture. The family with the tent had brought a "Melitta Coffee Maker" with them. Needless to say for my next exercise I had a Melitta also.

During Y2K I had wised up considerable and my store of rations included shrimp, lobster and a variety of unusual but palatable delicacies all in cans. My supply of spices to perk up the flavor of all the emergency foods had increased. This time I felt I was ready for the challenge. I apparently had not learned my lesson as well as I had thought for once again I concentrated more upon the food portion of the supplies then the equipment used to prepare it.


